Ruffles loves many things but most of all he likes his ball. And now he has lost it!! Terrible thing!!
May be Ruby has some ideas to find it.
Where do you think it is?
Ideas for teachers:
This book and all the ones in the series are good for teaching simple vocabulary to pre-schoolers.
'Ruffles and the Lost Bouncy Ball' can be used to practise prepositions of place -just two or three: in / under / between.
You can try hiding objects in the class and make them guess: 'It is ... or just the preposition: in / under / between and pointing to a place as they may not know many words around the class.
Or you can practise very simple questions: Is it....? and short answers Yes, it is or No, it isn't.
Feel free to download the lesson plan.
If you consider it can be improved, I'd appreciate your feedback.